DNA Based Nutrition is:
A personalized journey towards better health with truly personalized recommendations based on a combination of your DNA, labs, and environmental factors.
Receive personalized insights about your:
🧠Mental Health 🥗Diet
💊Supplement Regime 🏃♀️Fitness
And so much more!
Now you can stop “trying" different things because you can verify what’s really for you or not!
No guesswork and your privacy is a top priority using Self Decode (HIPAA and GDPR compliant)
Dear Health Nut,
(or maybe health nut in-training)
Are you so over running around in circles (very expensive & time consuming circles) trying to work on your health with results that don’t match their price tag?
If you are anything like me we are so done with confusing and unrealistic recommendations like…
how fun it sounds to get 100’s of labs drawn every few months (uh no thanks!), or…
how we are constantly told that the only way is Carnivore…
or Vegan… or Keto because it worked for someone else
Well I am here to tell you NOT to follow or try what anyone else is doing & I don’t want you to try what worked for me!
I want to help you find out once and for all what EXACTLY will work for YOU!
What works for others may not work for you simply because it’s not you!
We are all crazy different and I am taking personalized health to the next level by testing your DNA to find out for real if you should chow down on as many buttered steaks as possible or stick to eating the rainbow.
Oh have I been there; taking all the tests and then being handed either antibiotics or just a shoulder shrug and a curious look with a hint of you might just be crazy…(western medicine, anyone?)
OR a stressful 50 page binder from a naturopath of ridiculous things I need to implement and only 5 foods I’m allowed to eat PLUS being warned that I may feel horrible or very sick before I will get better… also no thanks!!
And years trying to DIY my health but finding it as confusing and contradicting as arguments between republicans and democrats! I mean a few years ago Kale was on top as the superfood Olympic gold medalist and now its poison…?
I have spent the last 20 years figuring this shit out so you don’t have to and I tried so many things along the way.
The most important solution I found is DNA testing for your own personal health and wellness insights.
I used to have debilitating autoimmune, hormone and anemia issues and finally now know best practices for my own diet supplements, and exercise. I am living proof that aging does not have to all be downhill - I was pretty sickly the majority of my life and now at age 50 I feel better and stronger than I ever have, like ever!
Even after 20 years of experience and health coaching school, I still was not quite doing what was best for my body type until I found the DNA test option because I was listening to my favorite health and wellness researchers.
The intense relief I feel not having to guess, wonder or keep searching for the right things needs to be shared with the world but most importantly with you!!
Oh and it’s an easy test (cheek swab), is 99.7% accuracy and only has to be done once ever, ever. Like can we never again be told we should collect and mail our own stool sample !!
If you’re thinking “Yes!”, let’s work together!
Not sure what you need? Book a complimentary 15-minute discovery call here.
The best way to get started and get a deal.
10% off your health & wellness DNA test (includes 1 year access to Self Decode) plus 4 pack of 45 min coaching sessions: $562.09 ($25 off the coaching sessions)
I want more help working through this stuff.
4 pack of 45 min coaching sessions: $200. (DNA kit not included).
I just want my DNA without help.
Get 10% off your health & wellness DNA test with 1-year subscription to self decode’s website and data: $388.09...
A little more about me
My celebrity crush is not technically a celeb, but is a wellness influencer; Kelly Laveque (@bewellbykelly) Following her after my 3rd baby saved my life!
When I am not studying health & wellness you will find me at the closest pole fitness studio. I am so in love with this type of exercise that I became an instructor. I would say it’s the one thing that has the biggest impact on my health besides eating well.
At home you will find me cooking from scratch without spending endless hours in the kitchen because I invest in ALL the cooking tools and gadgets (Thermomix FTW!)
I am a mom of 3 boys, 2 of which I passed on my “casein” allergy to and 1 got lucky.